SFC Films Current & Future Projects
We have undertaken several projects, from youtube channel, to a film festival, to flame the spakes of positive space film genre both documentary and optimistic sci-fi to once again lead our entertainment industry in generating hope for the future thus empowering us to be part of building a better future. Check out our projects below and contact us if you’d like to be part of any one of them.
SFC YouTube Channel
A hub of SFC’s films, documentaries, series and videos revolving around positive space films and generating a better future. Also we release filmmaking tutorial videos in conjunction with SFC festival Click to check it out
SFC Film Festival
A unique positive space themed film festival that not only aims at generating interest in this genre and science in general but also nurturing filmmakers who are brave enough to pioneer this genre once again. Click to find out more.
Terra Offbeat Odyssey
COMING SOON. A brand new YouTube channel that focuses on showing the beauty of people, cultures and places not generally well known; celebrating our precious blue planet and the it’s wonderous beauty.